Wilke und Malte Zierden

Shooting with the Zierden brothers

Here is an insight into our excursion with the two Zierden brothers, Wilke.Zierden and Malte.Zierden, in their home town of Ostfriesland, where the Club of Comfort headquarters is also located.

Here is an insight into our excursion with the two Zierden brothers, Wilke.Zierden and Malte.Zierden, in their home town of Ostfriesland, where the Club of Comfort headquarters is also located.

The two were allowed to test what our HENRY high stretch jeans can do
joins in when north German men are out and about all day long
are, and do what men have to do there, including rough seas and
stiff breeze of course.

Back in the warmth and after the famous compulsory drink with Kluntjes we say: Thanks guys for the relaxing day with you!

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Club of Comfort Kühltasche

Relaxed is … when you can wear cool clothes!

Club of Comfort Throwback

Club of Comfort Throwback Thursday